It's the time of the year,
I love to make home deco decorations. This is one of them!
You can buy one very expensive or make one yourself.
Take 5 branchesand color them white. Push them together and
add a cord around them.
Put small hooks in the branches and get decorating.
And this winterwreath is made so fast out of an old curtain.
You need two things to make this, an old curtain and a styrofoam ring
I would say around 20 cm round.
Tear the curtain into strokes 4 cm wide, tye them around the styrofoam ring.
Cut off the lenght wenn the stroke is to long.
I added this heart in the middle of the heart. Very easy bye
using a needle that is pushed into the styrofaom ring.
I hope you enjoy these home decos!
Bye bye Mascha